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Your career in industrial automation

We are constantly looking for motivated employees for our various areas of work. Regardless of your professional background, if you enjoy your work, are passionate about new technologies and complex topics, and are willing to continuously develop your skills, then we are a good match. In the technology fields of Industrial Automation and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), we offer you exciting areas of responsibility and development prospects for technical, administrative and management careers. Grow with us as a career starter or experienced professional.

Below you will find all the positions that are currently vacant:


Unsolicited application

We are growing fast and new career opportunities are opening up just as quickly. Do not hesitate to send us your unsolicited application. We always look forward to good people! An unsolicited application as an embedded software developer or field application engineer can be the beginning of a long and successful collaboration. Please email your documents to

Data protection information for applicants

In our data protection information for applicants, we would like to inform you about the processing of your personal data as part of your application and the rights to which you are entitled in this context as the person affected by the data processing. You can find the data protection information for applicants here.